Studii de caz de securitate cibernetică și testimoniale_

Iată câteva dintre organizațiile care au încredere să le gestionăm securitatea.

Foarte puțini oameni vorbesc despre proiectele lor de securitate cibernetică, în ciuda naturii omniprezente și răspândite a amenințărilor și atacurilor cibernetice.

Considerăm că împărtășirea cunoștințelor, a experiențelor, a poveștilor de succes și a eșecurilor este modul în care securitatea informației poate evolua în beneficiul tuturor. Un efort comun, susținut, este necesar pentru a contracara tacticile de atac și manipulare.

Drept urmare, vrem să împărtășim din experiența noastră de a lucra cu organizații din diverse industrii pentru a-și menține în siguranță activele și pentru a promova o cultura de security awareness.

Vrem să le mulțumim clienților pentru feedback-ul lor și pentru disponibilitatea de a pune în practică cele mai înalte standarde de securitate. Nu uitați că suntem deschiși la a lucra împreună pentru a face față provocărilor legate de securitatea cibernetică.

Studii de caz Bit Sentinel

Am inclus detalii despre procesele, instrumentele și abilitățile pe care le-am folosit pentru a aplica cunoștințele și expertiza noastră în beneficiul companiilor din domenii extrem de diverse.

Ce spun clienții Bit Sentinel

Aflați cum este să lucrați cu noi de la oameni care au făcut-o deja.

Providing customers with a comprehensive approach to GDPR compliance through a solid partnership

Nowadays it’s not easy to find good professionals.

Together with Bit Sentinel, as key partner in our GDPR consultancy projects, we were able to provide proactive strategies to ensure IT and data security, which is a must for companies that want to secure their place in successful value-added networks, as well as professional consultancy at the highest levels to our clients.

I highly recommend the people working at Bit Sentinel and their services!

Cristina Ghica_

Managing Partner @ GHICA Innovative Law Firm

A pentest turns into a longstanding collaboration for security and compliance

We started working with Bit Sentinel two years ago when we needed to perform a penetration testing audit & a security code review. The team succeeded to offer quality services in due time so we developed the collaboration over the years. Last year they also helped us in the process of becoming GDPR compliant.

We even recommend their services to our customers as they are professional and very transparent, always proactive and trustworthy.


CEO @Zipper Services

A ongoing partnership to ensure top-level compliance for a complex financial organization

Risk management, IT security & data protection are one of the top priorities for our activity. We started working with Bit Sentinel two years ago when we developed a new product and we wanted to know all the potential vulnerabilities in order to minimize risks upon release. The team performed a complete white box penetration testing audit and delivered all the necessary recommendations to ensure a secure product.

Currently we collaborate with Bit Sentinel to make all arrangements in order to comply with the Norm 4/2018 requirements from ASF (Financial Supervisory Authority). We strongly recommend their services and if you look to get a long term partner, you should definitely have a talk with them.

Adrian Baciu_

Data Protection Officer at OMNIASIG @Vienna Insurance Group

Contributing to successfully & securely developing a Security Token Offering (STO)

We at Cashfree were looking for a partner that had the knowledge and capabilities to help us develop a successful Security Token Offering (STO) campaign having in mind the security of our investors, tokens, and investments.

Bit Sentinel is for us the main point of contact when we have cybersecurity-related challenges or when we need a better understanding of the inner workings of blockchain technologies.

Peter Op de Beeck_

CEO @Cashfree

A partnership based on responsiveness and support across security issues

Bit Sentinel is providing high-quality cyber security services, fast response time and support in case of incidents.

It is the partner you can rely on to protect your platform so that you can focus on business development.

I highly recommend their services.

Sergiu Draganus_

CEO @GeoRanker

Personalized pentesting that addresses the customer’s specific security needs

Bit Sentinel provided us with pentests services for our online platforms and cybersecurity consultancy, the team tailoring their services to our business particularities, while being clear and responsive to all our requests. Services provided by Bit Sentinel should become best practices for all companies in today’s fast changing business environment, with more and more focus on digital.

Andra Mitea_

General Director @Otter Distribution

Ensuring blockchain security is robust and flexible to support scalability and growth

I am working with Bit Sentinel for more than 2 years now. I must say that we were lucky to find such a solid partner in the cybersecurity field. While working in areas like blockchain, AI and BigData, a business needs trustworthy yet flexible and strong partners. I am happy to say that Bit Sentinel has all these and many other qualities.

George Bunea_


A one-stop shop for cyber security services

I approached Bit Sentinel a couple of years ago when we needed a trustworthy cybersecurity partner with whom to develop BIS Threat Map. The team coordinated by Andrei proved to be very efficient & flexible in our collaboration. Moreover, whenever we or our clients had a suspicion of data breach or asked for a cybersecurity partner, Bit Sentinel team had a very fast response and always managed to satisfy even the most demanding requirements.

I highly recommend Bit Sentinel for penetration testing, code review or any incident response situation.

Cristian Patachia_

Development & Innovation Manager @Orange Romania

Securing an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) for a partner committed to security

Preparing for an ICO is no easy task and you need to surround yourself with knowledgeable partners. Bit Sentinel is definitely one of them!

Kuende is a social media platform built on microservices with many different technology packs and our main focus is, of course, SECURITY. I have to admit we were struggling to find a reliable partner but Bit Sentinel was there to solve our problems. From pen-testing our apps to creating and auditing the smart contracts and implementing various security measures within our company, Bit Sentinel offered all the support we needed.
I want to give a special thanks to the teams at Bit Sentinel for their professionalism.

Pavel Antohe_

CEO & Founder @Kuende

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