Security Code Review_

Catch and fix vulnerabilities early, to avoid cyber attacks and data breaches.

“Software is eating the world.”

Marc Andreessen, one of the most prolific investors in the world, made this statement in an Wall Street Journal article in 2011.

His observation is deeply tied to how security is evolving. Companies like yours now build, use, and distribute more software that ever on a global scale.

In fact, reports show that organizations use, on average, 765 different web apps.

When developers build and integrate more software faster, it inevitably results in a massive proliferation of security vulnerabilities.

For cybercriminals, this means only one thing: an increase in attack surface and greater potential for exploitation.

Code Review

Did you know?

Statistics show that companies need more help than ever to ensure the applications they use meet global security standards:

90% of active applications had a known vulnerability in Q2 2018 (TCELL Security Report for In-Production Web Applications)

86% of tested applications had one or more session management vulnerabilities 
(2018 Trustwave Global Security Report)

30% of active apps had at least one critical vulnerability in Q2 2018 (TCELL Security Report for In-Production Web Applications)

1 in 3 companies suffered or suspected a breach caused by web app vulnerabilities in the last 12 months (2018 DevSecOps Community Survey)

56% of executives have to change public-facing apps monthly to address security threats (Radware’s 2018-2019 Global Application & Network Security Report)

100:1 is the eye-opening ratio that shows how developers outnumber security specialists (2018 DevSecOps Community Survey)

More companies like yours are now outsourcing application security to also correct this imbalance in internal resources.

As attackers get smarter at exploiting your applications ecosystem, it becomes essential for your organization to perform frequent and thorough security code reviews.

Leverage code security reviews to disarm attackers. We can help!

Hire independent security engineers to review your source code when...

  • You outsource application development
  • Your in-house capabilities doesn’t include the capacity or the time to meet your security requirements
  • You have to tackle specific application security issues and lack the expertise to do it internally
  • You need to onboard highly specialized threat intelligence to deal with code reviews in complex environments
  • You want to implement controls that are most effective for your company’s context
  • You seek to enlist powerful security tools and need highly trained security specialists to verify they’re implemented correctly
  • When you make significant improvements to existing applications such as adding new features, doing a product facelift or rewriting code

What type of security code review do you need?

Most developers (or at least 48% of them) know that writing secure code is important but they’re not able to find the time for it.

You can offload this effort-intensive task to our team at Bit Sentinel. This way, you ensure that you do regular and professional:

  • Web Application Code Reviews, with security engineers experienced in the most popular programming languages (PHP, Python, Javascript, Java, Ruby, Nodejs, Angular, React etc)
  • Mobile Application Code Reviews for both Android and iOS
  • Software Application Code Reviews for apps written in Java, C/C++, .NET, C#, Delphi and more.

To ensure we effectively discover and mitigate security issues in your code, we combine meticulous manual reviews with automated application security analysis. This helps filter out false positives and uncover design and architecture errors and flaws automated tools cannot spot.

We do a thorough analysis of your apps’ source code, no matter if they’re internal or external apps. Our team of security engineers also examines server-side frameworks and dives deep into aspects such as secure authentication and transport layer security.  

You should contract a security code review when...

  • You build new applications internally or outsource their development
  • You make significant changes to your code or you introduce new features
  • At least once per business quarter
  • Each time you introduce new apps into your system

When we review your applications’ source code, we might find security flaws affecting:

  • Authentication & Authorization
  • Access Control
  • Session management
  • Data validation
  • Security Configuration
  • Error handling
  • Logging
  • Encryption
  • Business Logic flow
  • Known Vulnerabilities

8 ways code reviews make cybersecurity an asset for your company

1. Detect and fix vulnerabilities early

With expert analysis, you can uncover severe or critical vulnerabilities before an attacker does. You become more in control of your company’s defenses and build confidence in your cyber security program.

2. Make code reviews exceptionally cost-effective

Keep recurring costs related to code security testing under control by making it an ongoing process. Once the initial code review is complete, the bulk of the work is done. Subsequent assessments are incremental which makes them cheaper and faster. Later testing sessions focus on the differences in output from one development cycle to another based on tracking changes and commits.

3. Increase your visibility in the application layer

When specialists review your applications’ source code, they help you gain a deep understanding of how they work together from a security perspective.

4. Avoid the accumulation of errors and vulnerabilities

As your tech stack grows in volume and complexity, the data you manage through it collects errors. Through code reviews, infosec specialists can help you build processes that enable developers to prioritize security in their work.  

5. Build security into your SDLC

With regular reviews, you consistently remind your developers that security best practices are part of the performance standard. When code security becomes an important step in your Software Development Life Cycle, you save effort and money otherwise spent on fixes.  

6. Test if code security fixes work as expected (for free)

Professional code reviews, like the ones we perform, include a free retest. Once you’ve had a chance to implement recommended changes, Bit Sentinel security engineers review reported issues to ensure they work effectively. This also includes verifying that code fixes didn’t introduce additional issues.

7. Reduce your attack surface

When you implement recommendations from a security code review report, you significantly reduce the number of vulnerabilities in your applications. This reduces the number of opportunities attackers could exploit.

8. Prevent sensitive data exposure

Faulty encryption or vulnerabilities in authentication implementations often lead to data breaches caused as we frequently see on the news. Evaluating your code’s security and enhancing is extremely effective to counter this risk.

9. Avoid costly downtime and revenue loss

Remediation, data breaches, fines for lack of compliance – any organisation wants protection against them. Security code reviews may not be glamorous but they’re highly effective. Each line of secure code has a compound effect that strengthens your entire security setup

10. Avoid costly downtime and revenue loss

When developers and security engineers come together and share their experience, everyone becomes more effective in their work. Empower your security personnel to train your team and support developers to write secure code.

How the Bit Sentinel secure code review process works

  1. We discuss your needs to understand your context and priorities. Together, we define the objective for the code review which can be:
    1. a one-time audit with a fixed cost
    2. or an incremental audit where our specialists review new code and changes that happened after the initial audit.
  2. We create an action plan that includes a thorough depiction of activities, timeline, deliverables, and cost.
  3. With your support, we build the testing setup and start performing the audit. You’re always updated on the progress we make.
  4. We build a report with all the findings and discuss it in a meeting, so you can get all the explanations. This is when we recommend fixes and help you prioritize defenses.
  5. After the vulnerabilities are fixed, we perform a free retest to ensure the issues were effectively solved and no other threats were introduced in the process.

If the project scope includes incremental audits, you receive a report after each review cycle (monthly, quarterly, etc.), to explain findings and suggest fixes.

Security Code Reviews help you protect against

Attacks and threats targeting your apps:

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS)
  • Man-in-the-browser
  • Session hijacking
  • Malware
  • API vulnerabilities and attacks
  • Malicious code injection
  • Abuse of functionality
  • Brute force
  • Protocol abuse
  • DNS cache poisoning
  • Command injection
  • TLS denial-of-service
  • Sensitive data exposure
  • Remote code execution
  • Privilege escalation attacks
  • Exploitation of known vulnerabilities
  • Input validation errors or failure to sanitize / properly validate user input
  • Lateral movement attacks
  • Business logic flaws

Threats targeting your business performance:

  • Customer revenue loss
  • Productivity decline / impact
  • Regulatory fines
  • Contractual damage
  • Repair, replacement, and remediation costs
  • IT and security response costs
  • Loss of competitive advantage
  • Loss of reputation / customer confidence
  • Downtime costs
  • Business disruption
  • Sensitive Data Exposure
  • Insider Threats

Know how effective your security controls are and how your defenses can become stronger.

Curious to see how your application stands?

[email protected]

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